
Thursday, July 10, 2014

My Travel Diary: Getting to know Copenhagen

Hi everybody!

I just got back from my trip to Europe and what an exhilarating, magical, and cultural whirlwind it has been! I have learned so much while traveling through Europe this Summer and I want to share this with you. So for the next few weeks, I will be doing a travel series that will include where to go, how to dress, what to eat, etc. I am so excited to share with you my adventures and tips, and I would love to hear your experiences via the comments below and on Twitter or Instagram. So, let's begin!

My trip started off in Copenhagen on June 19, 2014. I arrived in the afternoon to a clear blue sky with chilly temperatures. I quickly put myself together and grabbed a handy yet stylish denim jacket to go exploring. I decided that I was going to get to know Copenhagen, since I only had the evening and I just got off a long flight. I wanted to walk with the locals, dine with the locals, and experience the culture. So I took a bus from my apartment, which was on the suburban side of the city, to the more bustling streets of Copenhagen. The bus stop was aside of Tivoli, one of the world's oldest amusement parks. Although I never entered this park, which is famous among many locals and tourists, I could hear the screams of joy and adrenaline outside of the ornate gates. If you are into roller coasters and amusement parks, I recommend you visit this iconic park.
Next, I visited the City Hall. There were musicians playing outside and I decided to sit down to take in the sights (I could never fully comprehend that I was in such a gorgeous location). I continued to meander through the streets, looking in shops and stopping in plazas. There was one plaza I was typically fond of called Grabrodretorv. What a place: colorful buildings, cobblestone paths, and quaint cafes filled the square. As soon as I stepped in this square, I felt like I was truly in Europe. I hopped from square to square as I weaved in out of the clean streets of Denmark. I also sat down in a large square containing the Court House of Copenhagen at Nytorv, which displays the quote, "Countries have to build with laws."  This was in the heart of Copenhagen, so I was really able to see how the locals interacted. I noticed that their mode of transportation was mainly biking (No wonder Copenhagen is known as Europe's greenest city). The bikers had their own lanes and lights. It was thoroughly entertaining to watch the array of bikers zoom by me on their way home from work. Denmark also has 17 hours of sunlight, and you could tell that the locals were enjoying every bit of it. They were out and about at 10 P.M. like it was 3 P.M. This added to the feeling of safety I had, especially while walking back to the apartment. But before that, I had a lovely traditional Danish meal at a restaurant nearby (post coming up about the delicacies in Copenhagen).

And that was my day first day in Europe. Quite a long one! Overall, I just enjoyed wandering through Copenhagen to end up in front of famous sites or in cozy squares. I'll talk to you tomorrow to show you what I wore on my first day of sight-seeing. Until then...

Thank you so much for reading!

Stay beautiful,



  1. Kopenhaga jest piękna;) i ma przepiękne widoki
    Zapraszam do mnie

  2. Beautiful images awesome trip.

  3. I ve been living for 6 years there..and I really loved this country!
    Lovely pics!
